Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Journey--Girls to Empowered Women

A testimony can only be derived if and only if you encountered a test. To be able to discuss what you have been through one would have to go through trials and tribulations. So in this blog I would like to discuss the journey. The road in to womanhood is a rough one, but with determination and drive, as well as God’s helpful hand there will be a victory at the end. At Joy Corporation we have a Saturday program, GURL (Girls Understanding Real Life) for the girls of our community. In this program we combine real world situations with fun activities to drive home our message. This is to FOCUS on your short-term goals and WORK toward your long-term goals. As a mentoring leader of the program I try to relate my experiences to the ones that come up in our program. As a college graduate I have realized that being an empowered woman is not just about the status you hold, but about the decisions you made to get to that status. A Senior VP of a large company holds a prestigious status, although if she cheated her way to the top and stepped on others to get there, she might make it financially but will never be satisfied because of her decisions. A true model of an empowered woman is not that she won’t face adversities but that when she does she picks herself up and tries again. Failure is apart of life and through the journey there will be many; however it only takes one success to make your dreams come true.

Kimberly Logan

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